Monday, May 13, 2019

Heat Stroke: Common Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

If you had a pound for every person who has been "cured" two or more times of his ulcers, you would be a wealthy person - probably with ulcers. For some reason, totally unknown to me, ulcers are considered an ailment of the wealthy. (Probably by the same people who think money brings happiness.) Again, if you had a pound for all the low and moderate income people who suffer from ulcers, you would be able to balance the national budget. Ulcers will live on any income.

Obviously those who claim to have been "cured" several times of their ulcers are really saying that the pains have been alleviated momentarily. But this is no cure. The disease cannot be cured until the cause is known and treated. Rarely is the cause of ulcers treated, but rather the effect; that hole in the stomach called an ulcer is doused with milk, cheese, drugs, etc., and then permitted to gouge itself out and start the same painful symptoms all over again.

People who never worry do not have ulcers. People who have knowledge of what they are doing on earth and why they must do it, also rarely suffer from ulcers. Tense, worried, nervous and unhappy people are the prime target of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

M. K. had suffered from duodenal ulcers for eight years. He had been "cured" of them five times - before a state of painful collapse. He left sanatorium ten days later without a trace of his ulcer. How?

M. K. was placed upon a totally non-stimulating diet consisting almost totally of fruits and vegetables and their juices.

In addition to this, the patient consumed four glasses of cabbage juice each day. (Raw cabbage sliced and reduced to juice by means of an electric liquefier.) M. K. did not respond to the use of citrus juices and these, oranges, grape-fruits, lemons and limes, were removed from the diet. Aside from these, however, the patient was able to consume all fruits and vegetables in liquid form or in the steamed manner in which all vegetables should be cooked.

During the first five days steam (Turkish) baths were administered once a day and the full pack at night. A brisk cold-water rub was prescribed each morning. At the end of the first week, the steam baths and full packs were replaced with natural (hip) baths and stomach compresses on retiring for the night. These and only these were responsible for relieving M. K. of his ulcer within ten days. However, it is to his credit that the patient has since been able to maintain superb health. Only by finally returning to a state of complete harmony with nature, both physical and mental, was he able to overcome the root of this condition that had plagued him for eight long years. To this day, M. K. continues to drink two glasses of cabbage juice each day and he is convinced that this is largely responsible for his resistance to returning ulcers.

There are millions hits on the internet search drive for Wellness - from mental to physical health. It takes quite a bit of research to find any one site that has so much to offer on all these fronts, let alone one that can combine all the needs for your innermost wellness - joy, bliss and beyond. For wellness' sake you can stop looking out there, and take some time for yourself, a sort of one-stop-shop: BalancedLifestyleWikipedia. A lung transplant is achieved with a surgical procedure in which the failing lung of the patient is replaced with a healthy lung of a deceased donor. A lung transplant is usually the last resort after all other methods and procedures fail to make an improvement in the patient's health. Depending on the patient's condition one or both the lungs are replaced with healthier ones, in some cases, a heart transplant also takes place with the lung transplant. A variety of disease and conditions are capable of damaging your lung and when the lungs are damaged the oxygen supply is hindered which makes it very difficult to maintain a day to day routine of the person.

A lung transplant is not an easy treatment, it is not everyone and certain things about a patient are suggestive of the fact that he/she is not a good candidate for the transplant. Every patient is examined individually to make the transplant a success. Complications can arise in a lung transplant and it can be fatal for the patient, there are some risks associated with a lung transplant:

1. Rejection - This is one of the major risks in lung transplant. Our immune system defends us against whatever it perceives as a foreign element invading our body. If the immune system perceives the lung as something foreign then it will attack it which can result in a lung failure. This danger is highest after the transplant and reduces with time. Some drugs are given to the patient to prevent this organ rejection.

2. Anti-Rejection Drugs - Medication is given to the patient to prevent this rejection of lungs by the immune system and, there are some cases where these drugs prove to be fatal because of their side effects. These drugs, called "immunosuppressants", can be usual like weight gain, stomach problems and acne but these can also develop new conditions and can cause blood clots, kidney damage and even cancer.

3. Infection - These anti-rejection drugs, if worked properly, will suppress your immune system which makes you further vulnerable to the infections and not surprisingly this vulnerability is most intense in the lungs. You have to be extra careful to be safe and have to cultivate habits like regularly washing your hands, brushing your teeth and protecting your skin from any scratches.

It is very important that you don't ignore any instruction from your doctor and follow everything strictly for a healthy recovery. Your doctor will instruct you to make some lifestyle choices like eating healthy and quitting smoking and all you have to do is follow them.
"I'm sorry, sir, but you've got varicosities. They're not dangerous, but they will impact your life in different ways." Now, if you didn't know that a varicosity was another term for varicose veins, would that just absolutely scare the living daylights out of you?

Herein lies one of the more difficult issues plaguing the healthcare system in this country - it's the lack of straightforwardness. Then again, how many times have you looked at your doctor make a note and not been able to read one word? Maybe being a bit in the dark is just a thing to work through.

But when it comes to varicosities, you don't really have a lot to worry about, which is kind of nice. They may not be the worst thing in the world, but it really does become a drag when you think about how they look. Most of us remember older female relatives walking around with striations on their legs that just looked painful. Now, you're older, and the notion of dealing with varicose veins makes you want to crawl under a rock. However, you should fight that urge and talk to your doctor about them and what options you have to get rid of them.

Here's some good information to have:

Varicosities & Varicose Veins Are The Same Thing - Between varicosity, vascular, and varicose, it's hard to keep it all straight.

Your Entire Body is Fair Game - You'll usually notice them most in the legs, but varicose veins can be all over the body. If you thought some lines on your legs could be a little embarrassed about, keep in mind that some women develop vulvar varicosities.

Weaker Elasticity in Veins Comes with Age - Once a blood vessel starts feeling the effects of age, varicosities are likely to follow.

Pregnancy & Varicose Veins Are A Package Deal - Changes in blood flow occur during pregnancy, which means that a woman's body will go through more than just having a baby. Varicose veins can start developing in the legs and vulvar area. Talk with your doctor about these possibilities.

Sitting, Standing, and Carrying Extra Weight Exacerbate the Issue - Because of the sedentary lifestyle we have in the U.S., more cases of varicose veins have kicked up in recent years. The rub comes when you find out that standing for long periods of time can exert extra pressure on blood vessels in your legs, leading to varicose veins. Finally, it's important to note that while you can't always avoid how much you sit or stand, you can almost always be mindful of your weight.

Varicosities are nothing to be actually frightened about mainly because they don't pose much of a threat to your health. However, every case is different, so be sure to talk with your doctor about possible treatment options if they're applicable. And just so you can be one the same page, have him or her use terms that you'll understand. It'll benefit both of you.
Want to become a very healthy person? Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to becoming a very healthy person.

Healthy Diet

The most important factor in transforming the body is your diet. You will become what you want to be only when you eat what you ought to eat. Maintaining a poor fast food diet would make you gain fat and lose muscle mass. Follow a strict diet with a lot of fruits, skimmed milk, nuts, a lot of veggies, legumes, lentils, and limit your carbs.Avoid drinking alcohol and don't smoke cigarettes. Drink lots of water throughout the day and control your urge for food with avocado juice and other fruits.

But first, you need Eggs. Yes! Eggs need additional care and importance on the topic. You have got to eat more eggs and workout a lot to reduce your fat level and increase your protein consumption. Eggs consist of all the nine amino acids for muscle growth (which burns fat more).Cut off your smoothie's consumption and eat more eggs. White eggs are good for your body. Take that yolk out and use it as a hair product. Eggs give you a testosterone boost which helps you maintain an active lifestyle. As the old saying goes: you just need one hen and cow when asked to choose from a list of animals.

HIIT and Tabata

If you want to see visible results in a few days or few weeks' time you should work very hard. Sweat is fat crying! And so, get to the gym! After active stretches, hit the treadmill and do a lot of fat burning, circuit training workouts after that. High Interval Intensity Training (HIIT) is the best way to improve metabolism. Burpees, jumping jacks, and high knees will be your best friends. Tabata is the ultimate level of HIIT workouts. Within 4 minutes, your whole body will get tired, and you'll be gasping for breath.

Strength Training

If your aim is to lose weight as well as an increase in strength, then follow this pro-health tip: Start doing squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, and rows. Your body will thank you for the hardcore workout sessions. Within 45 minutes, you'll leave the gym but, the benefits these exercises bring to your body is phenomenal. The legendary 5*5 program will create a massive growth of healthy growth hormones. Invest in a pair of good weight training shoes and start killing fat in the rudest of ways ever known to humanity. The Milo of Croton is the best example of strength training.

Active Lifestyle

Sedentary office jobs and online markets have placed a high amount of risk to our body. We should get up and start thinking about the world, walking down the corridors of workplaces. Quit workstations for every one hour and drink more water. Never carry a bottle of water to your workplace. Always get up and take a few steps before quenching your thirst. Never sacrifice your time to do office work. Your body is walking to the grave, and you should delay the journey by all means.

After waking up, drink water and start doing yoga. Get to work. Get up from the seat every one hour. Eat a power packed lunch filled with veggies and scrambled egg whites. Get to your home. Wear your shoes and go to the gym. After a beautiful steaming session, eat your dinner and hit your boozy bed.


You can't get your desired physique by just eating good food and keeping your cortisol levels low. You should get proper sleep for the body to recover properly. Drink milk before bed to stop the intensity of catabolism. A lactose-allergic person can grab a pre-dinner snack and then go to sleep. Most of the people reading this piece will fall into the category of an endomorph (People who have low metabolism and accumulate fat easily). Adequate sleep is necessary to build quality muscles and low-fat levels. Sleep like a child for 7-8 hours and continue your fat burning sessions in the morning.

Life - The most beautiful of all

Remember to appreciate life and don't be fooled by lame stories of people trying to shut you down. If you want something, you should go and get it. Set the alarm and wake up early in the morning to finish off cardio workouts, HIITs, and killer Tabata. Leave home early to go to the gym. Become confident after seeing your body in the mirror after a week. This arduous journey (if you think that way) shall take you to your fitness goals within six months.

In a year, your friends, relatives, and colleagues will start asking you about your fitness routine. Stay positive and take at least 8,000-10,000 (WHO's report) steps per day to become healthy and virile. Motivation is the key to succeeding! Stay healthy by reading and working out with these healthy tips.

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